The Keys to Unlocking a Work-Life Balance

Balancing work with our personal lives can be challenging for the best of us. We spend so much of our time at work that we can find ourselves thinking about our duties even off the job. However, being able to separate ourselves from our professional life can help ease tension and keep us happy.

So how do we find that ever-elusive work-life balance? Two “recovering workaholics” weigh in, according to Forbes:
Kevin Boehm and Rob Katz own and operate 16 restaurants across the US. “In the restaurant world, work-life balance is often an ephemeral castle in the sky — easy to picture, but hard to achieve. Chefs and restaurateurs, especially when first opening new spaces, can spend long days and longer nights getting every aspect of their vision in place. Once the dust settles, maintaining that schedule (and thinking about expansion) can make taking time off a difficult prospect” reports Forbes.
Over the course of their years of experience, they have finally found the keys to unlocking this balance.
First, always prioritize balance, they suggest, just as nutritionists recommend “everything in moderation”, the same holds true for professional life.
They stress that scheduling is equally important. Boehm explained to Forbes: ““One thing that Rob and I did a few years ago, when we were kind of locked into our phone calendars with days loaded up with fourteen different meetings, was schedule time for working out or longer trips to recharge,”
While recharging, the focus should be on self-care. Engage in activities that make you feel good—whether that be golfing, working out, or chilling with the buddies.
Do not feel like you have to tackle everything on your own. You have a team to support you in most industries, so do not be afraid to delegate tasks and spread duties. ““At first it was hard to delegate, because we think we have all the answers. And we certainly thought that when we were younger. We were control freaks — we had success, so we thought we had the answers. But, you know, we can also teach, and inquire, and motivate,” says Katz.
Following their suggests can lead to success in finding that balance and give you a more rewarding lifestyle.

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