Going from Contract to Full-time

Have you ever seen a job posting for your dream job but hesitated to apply because it was a contract position? Have you wondered how to take the contract position to full-time work? It is definitely possible.

Here are four steps to take to go from contract-employee to full-time team member, as given by career expert Emily Moore:
1. Be Up Front (Within Reason)
Before anything else, you should make it clear that you’re interested in a full-time position during the interview.
2. Become Indispensable
It goes without saying that a company won’t want to hire you full time if you underperform, but even meeting the expectations of your role isn’t always enough. To truly stand out, Hichens recommends that contract workers outshine the full-time employees on their team.
3. Make Sure to Mingle
Sometimes, contract workers make the mistake of isolating themselves from colleagues since they don’t see themselves as a “real” team member. But this is a missed opportunity, Hichens says. If you don’t see yourself as part of the team, what are the odds that your team will?
4. Do Your Homework
Even if you follow the steps above, you can’t expect a job offer to simply fall into your lap — you have to take action. After a few months, check in with your employer to find out whether or not they see a chance to bring you on full time. Come to that meeting prepared not only to state your case for full-time employment, but also with clear expectations of what you want and need out of a full-time job.
Following these tips can help you take your contract job “to the Next Level”!
And don’t forget to check out our job board for current opportunities.

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