"You are never done, everybody needs a coach. Everyone. The greatest in the world needs a coach."
In the world of sports, an athlete without a coach is unheard of. The coach is a key player in the development of the athlete, recognizing his strengths, weaknesses and helping him overcome challenges and diversity. Coaching is evidently a major contributor to the success of the athlete. In business, having a coach to help support and motivate you can be just as useful.
In his TED talk, Atul Gawande describes how even as a successful surgeon, he received the advice of a colleague and took on a coach. Upon doing so, he saw his professional goals met more consistently as the coach helped identify areas to improve. Coaching helped him (as well as others involved in a study he discusses in his talk) learn to execute on the fundamentals.
To hear more, check out the inspirational talk:
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