The entire world is moving away from the “just find someone for the job” attitude, to really evaluating their candidate and employee experience. In the manufacturing industry, it’s important to build a strong, reliable and high-performing workforce. So, as a dedicated staffing agency in this space, here are our best practices for manufacturing hires:
#1: Keep the application process simple
The idea here is to encourage talent at all levels to apply for a job – not to put them off with a less than enthralling process! So, take stock of your application process and simplify it however you’re able to. Streamline the number of hoops jobseekers have to jump through and minimize them as best you can; if it’s something you can find out later during the first stage interview, leave it out.
Give them a reason to apply, not a reason not to. A convoluted, confusing or just unnecessarily lengthy application process can put off so many talented individuals, particularly if there’s any repetition (think about those dreaded systems which request a resume upload, followed by manually filling in all of the career information imminently afterwards – not ideal!)
Simplicity is the key – so make it a standard across the manufacturing jobs you hire for.
#2: Think about your flexible working opportunities
While much of the world adopts a more remote-friendly approach, for many manufacturing jobs this just isn’t an option (at least, not in a physical sense). But that’s not to say that flexibility shouldn’t be being embraced in a way which works.
The traditional nine-to-five is a thing of the past and, added to the fact that work-life balance has become even more important since the pandemic began, flexibility is key. Best practices for manufacturing hires means adjusting your schedules, adding more shifts, changing up rotas, or otherwise essentially ensuring that every employee has a way of working which suits them; which fits around their life rather than vice versa. Do so within reason to keep your operations at their optimum, but always keep your people at the forefront.
#3: Be digital savvy and tech-forward
That goes for throughout the hiring process, and beyond.
Use technology to connect with jobseekers in the way which works with them, whether it’s via text message, email, or a good old-fashioned phone call. Give your applicants the opportunity to present themselves in the way they feel does them justice, using technology to enable the process.
Once you’ve made your manufacturing hire, it’s about implementing technology to enhance their time working within your business. Think about how you pay them perhaps, and how convenient it is for staff; think about the benefits you offer, and accessibility. And finally, of course, think about how technology is going to make them more efficient and effective in their jobs – there’s a nod to that all-important employee experience again.
Best practices for manufacturing hires
We’re proudly changing the game – no, upping the game – here in North America when it comes to the work we do with clients. Partnering with Next Level Group doesn’t just mean you let us know what you need and we find them (although it’s something we’re adept at doing): we call ourselves consultants for a reason.
That might look like us helping you understand which personnel are going to solve your current challenge. It might mean having us consult on who or what may solve the future challenges. Consulting with us could even be setting a long-term hiring strategy, or helping build out your succession plan.
The only thing that’s for certain is that we’ll do all of the above, with best practices for manufacturing hires in place, always.