Around this time last year, what was initially just rumour became all too real and the world began to grind to a halt: a pandemic was happening.
And it still is. While leaps and bounds are being made in the right direction to getting ‘back to normality’, many individuals find themselves either job hunting or feeling relieved to still have theirs.
Perhaps an instant or direct promotion isn’t available right now, but could you use the time wisely all the same? The moves you make toward professional growth now will pay dividends in future once the pandemic is behind us, if not before. How ever you go about achieving it, we’ve put together our top professional development tips, for use pre-, during and post-pandemic!
Start raising your hand
Our professional development tips begin with, quite simply, getting involved. Now’s the time to stand up and be recognised – it’ll pay dividends once your employer is through the other side of this. Raise your hand and volunteer for stretch assignments, new projects, further responsibilities, and tasks you haven’t turned your hand to before. Throwing your name into the hat will not only get your work ethic recognized, but you’ll learn new skills and potentially open up new opportunities as a result.
Start pitching ideas
Spotted a hole in efficiency somewhere? Simply have an innovative idea to bring to the table? Creativity and adaptability are what has gotten businesses through the pandemic thus far, so demonstrate that you have these – plus a little initiative – and get people thinking about what we could be doing better, what the future of the company looks like – and ultimately, your place in it.
Start setting goals
Ever heard of manifesting? Without a goal in mind, we humans are a ship without a sail – so set some targets, then begin taking intentional action towards achieving them. Yes, things may change and your goals may evolve and adapt as your role does, but having something to reach for is key to development. Spend this time identifying where and how you need to push your skills to achieve the career growth you want post-pandemic, and set realistic goals to get there.
Keep on learning
The next of our professional development tips stands quite universally! While we’re simply not able to enjoy as many activities outside of work as we once did, we have a real gift of time with which to continue our learning. Do some research into online courses which may further your understanding, improve your skills and increase your expertise on a subject related to your profession. In fact, your employer might even be on board to subsidizing or helping out with costs!
Keep on networking
Let’s face it. Everyone is spending more time online, period. Take this as an opportunity to grow your professional network, both within your current employer and across your industry at large, in the best way we know how these days: online. Make contacts – be it with suppliers, new customers, or even prospective future employers – and demonstrate a proactive approach to expanding your network of fellow professionals. In the future, you never know how a contact made now may become relevant.
Keep on working hard
And the final of our professional development tips is as simple as that. Things may be uncertain, or things might be going swimmingly; whichever way your employer is leaning, it’s your work ethic which will say the most about your future career growth. Work hard, always, and prove to your employer that you’re happy to get in the trenches regardless of the circumstances.
Professional development tips from NLG
We help top talent in manufacturing achieve long-term career growth, by finding exceptional opportunities with amazing employers across north America. To learn more about our solutions for jobseekers, get in touch.